Check out this incredible supermoon video
This is the Supermoon I saw this morning at 5:30 am
Two Types of People and the Supermoon, Which One Are You?
This morning during my 5:30 am run, I had the opportunity to see the Supermoon in all its glory, it was truly incredible. The temperature was about 34 degrees F and the air was crisp and cold, this kind of time early in the morning gives me an opportunity to think and reflect on life. I realized that the next time I will see such a Supermoon will be in 38 years when I’m almost 80 years old!
That said, over the years I noticed that there are two types of people, those who strive to grow and keep improving themselves and those that will compromise and are alright with being mediocre (sick, tiered, overweight, etc.), there is no right or wrong. Personally, I identify with the kind that strive for growth and improvement. During the next Supermoon, when I’m 80 years old, I would like to be able to run a half marathon as a healthy, happy old guy! Some of us may not have the same experience when we are 80 years old but one thing is clear to me , I will keep working hard toward that goal. Chiropractic care is a crucial component in this plan and I know you can enjoy the same sort of health and vitality in your life if you chose to. You see, chiropractic allows me to express close to 100% health in my body as oppose to some people that are only expressing a fraction of that and it shows in there overall mental, emotional and social state of being. I invite you, your family and your friends to discover chiropractic and the joy of being truly healthy.
Here is How You Can Help Make This Christmas Amazing For The Kids on The Fort Pack Reservation
Bring a gift (Toys, Winter cloths, shoes) all ages all genders. Drop in the box and I will take care of the rest.
Go to CrowdRise and you can donate money that goes directly to the Love Has No Color project for the Christmas On The Reservation 2016 event. We are a 501c so all donations go directly to the cause (also, I believe you can get a tax brake).
You can go on Amazon and ship your gift directly to the reservation, just make sure that they indicate the age and gender on the gift.
If you need more incentives to get your friends to donate, let them know that if they want to start chiropractic care they can save $75 on the initial exam if they bring an awesome new gift to donate (coats are preferable). Here is the thing they have until Dec, 1st to contact me and let me know they are interested.
Save hundreds of dollar$ in my office by doing this simple thing!
Every single person you refer a new patient, you will get one adjustment at my expense. That’s $50 savings every time you simply let someone else know about chiropractic care and helping them get better in the process. So, in the end of the day you save money and get to help someone you love, that person get to live a healthier and happier life and I get to grow my practice, reach more people and kids in my community and make the world a better place to live in. That’s a sweet deal if I ever saw one.