We all know someone or saw someone with really “bad” posture. This kind of “bad” posture usually gets worse with the years unless we work on correcting it. Most of us spend our days sitting, hunched forward or looking down at our phones. This kind of daily stress on our spine causes spinal misalignments and “bad posture” . These days, we not only have the technology, knowledge and tools to correct, and restore normal posture but also how to maintain it. In addition to corrective chiropractic care, we tailor specific exercises to each of our practice members to help restore their normal posture and spinal alignment. I wanted to share some of these specific exercises with you. These exercises are easy and can dramatically improve your health, posture and of course how your future health and posture looks like. It is important to do thoses daily.
If you have any further questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact my office:
770-435-8890 or drofekdc@gmail.com.
(Please read the medical disclaimer below before doing any exercises suggested here).
Also, we’ve changed our office hours and wanted to make sure everyone know exactly what to expect. We will be open every day from 8-12 and 2-6 except Thursday morning (8-12) and Friday afternoon (2-6).
So, Thursday Morning and Friday afternoon the office is closed. Have fun and see you soon.
Spring Office Hours
Monday: 8-12am, 2-6pm
Tuesday: 8-12, 2-6 pm
Wednesday: 8-12am, 2-6pm
Thursday: 2-6pm
Friday: 8-12
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
On a different note, I am scheduling all my speaking engagements, Lunch & Learns, Workshops and Health fairs for 2018. If your company, club, social group, kid’s school, PTA, Child’s Sport team or otherwise are interested to learn about the most up to date and groundbreaking health related topics that can truly change your life, let me know. drofekdc@gmail.com
Thank you so much,
Dr. Amit